Drama Queen-
Lion Claw x True Berrymore-Indica Dominant Hybrid
Terpenes: B-Myrcene, R-Limonene, B-Caryophyllene, Linalool
Aroma: Power packed, very unique aroma. Minty, penyroyal, oregano hints. Sour, pungent, herbaceous, slight gas. Rotten sour limes and like alcohol mescal margarita.
Flavor: Smoke tastes like it smells, nice palate of herbs and tang. Sweet on taste buds.
Effects: A warm buzz across the forehead. Some have noticed they feel lighter and have a floating body sensation. Great laughter and good vibes may come from this grounding but buzzing flavor. Relax with an easy mood. The name comes from watching Heliotropism in action! Heliotropism or solar tracking, is when a plant follows the movement of the sun during the day. We noticed the Drama Queen’s moved to follow the sun throughout the day more than any other plant we have noticed before. Very dramatic and active.